My clients say it best ........Ā Ā 


'Hey Zoe, thank you so much for our session on Tuesday, I'm learning so much and feeling so good. I can't even BEGIN to tell you how amazing what you're doing for me is!'

Mary F. (UK)

'Thanks Zoe. You are an amazing coach and your energy is infectious.'

Barry M. (Switzerland)

'Zoe offered me a magical mix of carefree caring and optimistic organisation, and brought me an unm watched level of non-judgemental honesty so I could choose my own right path.'

Rob S. (Sweden)

' .. I was fed up with constantly reaching for that next glass of wine, I was feeling anxious, getting annoyed at myself, not particularly liking myself and wondering what the big sober secret was. I then saw a video of Zoe on Social Media. I saw her smile and heard her laughter and thought I want that! And I want to know how she got there...'  

Lisa B. (UK)( She's now been sober since April 2022. Whoop whoop!) You can read more of Lisa's story on the 'Lisa's Story' Page and it's definitely worth the read if you're still hesitant as to starting YOUR coaching journey!

' Zoe is amazing. I cannot believe the difference she has made to my life from my first session with her. She is understanding and non-judgemental. More importantly she is positive, motivating and inspiring. I have managed to lose 3 stone in 20 weeks. And I know that would not have happened without Zoe.'All The Tools You Need To Build A Successful Online Business

Goeff M. (UK)( Living alcohol free since January 2022. So flippin' happy for you Goeff!) Stay tuned because you'll be hearing more from and about Goeff soon in an episode of our SOBER CHICK LIFE podcast!!


'Zoe has kindly been acting as my coach recently, helping both herself in her very well suited role, and myself, who has had ongoing issues with alcohol. Zoe has listened, sympathised and then gently offered ideas and coping strategies to help me move forward. She is such a naturally upbeat, high energy and an extremely positive and enthusiastic person that you can't help but want to make the right choices in your own life as her happiness is contagious! She is so easy to talk to and I feel I could announce anything to her with absolutely no fear of being judged, she will make you feel at ease and offer her amazing knowledge to you so that you too can have the tools to build a life you can be truly happy. with.'

H. R. (UK)



Zoë's energy and positivity is infectious. I was drawn to working with her after participating in her group sessions and experiencing some of that energy! But what has been even more amazing about the 1-1 coaching has been the digging in and her insights in helping me think through where I get stuck, what I want, the value and happiness an alcohol free life can bring. Every meeting has been so impactful in my journey to transform my life- I'm doing so much better on so many dimensions of my life now! Highly recommnded coaching for you life journey! So many thanks Zoë !!!

Katherine (Denmark)


... I wanted to say how grateful i am for your intuitive coaching style and have found life changing personal insights and growth through your sessions. Many thanks to you. 

Laurie H

You are a truly remarkable being who I am forever grateful for having brought into my life. I truly hope your work brings joy and pride in knowing how much you help others!  Thank you!

Mary (USA)

Zoë has helped me more in 6 weeks than therapy did in a year! She asked the tough questions and helped me deal with the answers; but, more importantly she taught me how to move forward. Zoë is a beautiful soul and I am so thankful our paths have crossed.

Christine (USA)


Coach ZoĆ« has allowed me to explore areas of my life and thought processes that I could not reach on my own. Her depth of knowledge is extensive and her feel for a client's needs is amazing. Coach Zoe is extremely perceptive and pursues all the right questions in order for me to get clarity around my emotions. She is encouraging every step of the way and I have been so happy that I started coaching with Zoe. As if that is not enough she is more fun than a "barrel full of monkeysā€šŸ˜‚

Lily (Canada)Ā 

Thank you Coach Zoe . It's a miracle how my life is unfolding. I have a journal and visualization of you and your wisdom and when those "niggly" thoughts come up, I refer to it grab the sober pony reins get both feet back one camp, put my rabbit ears up, grow my sober feathers, connect with inner self. And head in direction of my north ā­ star. You are amazing. I hope you know the impact you have and the that you are an AMAZING coach . I am in awe how blessed I am to have found you!



Talking to Zoe is quite literally one of the best things I have done to help improve my life.

If you are at all concerned about your relationship with alcohol or drugs, or just feel like you might like to shift your life slightly and try out an alternative path then I urge you to talk to Zoe.

I was fed up with constantly reaching for that next glass of wine, I was feeling anxious, getting annoyed with myself, not particularly liking myself and wondering what the big sober secret was. I then saw a video of Zoe on social media. Ā I listened to her words of wisdom, I saw her smile and heard her laughter and thought I want that! And I want to know how she got thereā€¦

3 months later, Iā€™m not quite there but Iā€™m certainly on a much clearer, cleaner path and that is all just from one hour once a week, talking to Zoe, and laughing with her.

Iā€™m not someone who has had regular therapy, so I was nervous. I was quite ashamed of the reasons for being there and for needing help. I cannot tell you how easy Zoe made it. She was relaxed, open and honest and completely professional throughout. She never once judged me (or told me to stop drinking) in fact we didnā€™t always talk about alcohol, it was often deeper stuff, and sometimes not even about me. She helped me understand some of the stresses my young son is experiencing, my relationships with work, my fears and expectations for the future and regrets of the past. It was sometimes very emotional and sometimes really practical. She gave me the tools to understand myself (and even like myself) and strategies to live a better life. Strategies that I will never forget and will certainly pass on to my children.


I will always be grateful for Zoe. Her support and understanding, her acceptance and her wisdom and of course her humour and warmth. Find a Zoe to talk to (preferably this oneā˜šŸ¼) And bad days will never seem that bad again.Ā x

Lisa B (UK)


Working with Zoe has been a game-changer for me. I learned how to listen to my body and give myself what I need to live my best life. I now have tools that are helping me live authentically and joyfully. For anyone considering working with a coach, I highly recommend Zoe!


Melanie Scott (USA)

My heart had told me that this was the best way forward for me.Ā  I'm just so happy I trusted myself to reach out to you when I did.Ā  You are an unique and beautiful star.Ā  One that is moving amongstĀ the galaxy, and all at the same time is centered, clear and concise with human fragility and love.


Thank you for being here.

Susan C (Australia)

Goodness meā€¦..

Coach Zoe, I wanted to reach out to you today after the FF call. Holy smokes what a call. My heart was hurting so much for so many brave people who shared. Your ability to virtually hold the space and support w your eagle eye to subtletiesā€¦whewā€¦being able to ā€œread the roomā€ or individual and knowing how and when to be firm or more gentleā€¦whewā€¦.interjecting humor or straightening the line as neededā€¦whew. You amaze me and are so appreciated by so many. Hoping there are good peeps filling your cup and tending to your tender spots as wellā¤ļø thank you Zoe.

Fiona L (UK)

Zoe. Thank you so much for holding me so sensitively through that call on Wednesday. We have so often said to you how exquisitely insightful, skilled, empathetic, gentle, fierce, no BS, warm, wonderful and sensitive you are.


Just listened to your coaching call from yesterday and wanted to give you some positive feedback. Your patience, commitment and also strength in encouraging others to shine the light back on themselves was amazing to watch.

Alyson (Sweden)


Thank you Coach Zoe for your time today. Ā I found your advice to be very helpful and I look forward to working on myself to learn to build my confidence and shine again. Ā I'll be talking with you in the future! Ā See you at Laser coaching. ā¤ļø


AWESOME, BRILLIANT, AMAZING Laser Call Session!!!! šŸ«¶ The content was spot on for me today - resonated with it ALL! After feeling so down on myself last night, I feel lifted again. LOVE your LIVEā€™s only wish you were on more than once a week! 2 or 3 times would be perfect šŸ¤©

Thank you Zoe you are heaven sent šŸ˜‡


Hey Lovely, thank you so much for our session on Tuesday, Iā€™m learning so much and feeling so good. I canā€™t even BEGIN to tell you how amazing what youā€™re doing is šŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸšŸŒŸ

Lori C

You shone the light on my path and now jumping out of bed every morning is my childlike joyĀ 

Lucy (USA)