Let's Talk About Stuff...
Where no subject is off-limits and we just get to BE, a place where possibilities of new beliefs and positive healthy changes to our bodies and minds are conceived and born.
See it like a fabulously fun waiting room, somewhere to hang out before you decide it's time to fly into the life you really want; somewhere to rest during your flight of self-discovery and somewhere to sit back and relax into after when you've found what it was you were looking for and beyond but still need connection!
Feel free to contact me about any of the subjects covered in these blogs and let's have a chat!
1. I kissed a girl sober and I liked it!
Beautiful weekday evening at Sober Blogger's favourite haunt,' bloody skinny bitch' (cranberry juice, soda, fresh lime and no vodka) in hand. The Lover is brushing his teeth at home but on his way....
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